Season 3, Episode 4 Out Now!


Boozhoo || Most welcome ... on Broken Lands;

where we imagine treaties are still honored as our daily reality, peoples are still respected as good relatives, and nature is still undefiled as pristine wilderness, all within the sphere of influence we openly share as a podcast. On Broken Lands we intend to curate a space for the emergence of both Indigenous voices and values including Alaska Natives, Native Americans, and First Nations from Turtle Island (North American continent). In this curated space, we investigate the effects of not honoring our treaties, disrespecting our indigenous peoples' world views and indigeneity, and defiling nature by extraction and speculation for the apparent sole purpose of private wealth.

We imagine a learning environment that holds together by the integrity of creation with white settlers on the perimeter listening, inquiring, and discerning from a "heart-with-a-mind," placing first among many varieties of truth, love divine and mysterious. Once the commitment to hold the circle sacred and thereby each other as equal, then we may invite our indigenous peoples to show us the way of beauty by allowing, acknowledging, appreciating, and accepting their world views and values at the center.

We demonstrate how to start conversations of value, continuing to converse until we begin to envision a future together where diverse communities coexist and learn to stay in dialogue for the sake of communal harmony. Each episode has several illustrations of how to start and sustain a values conversation without detours and bypasses around the truth seeking and telling process essential for wise practices to Repudiate the Doctrine of Discovery.

Background of Emergence here ... on Broken Lands

Our journey is inspired by what has been dubbed the historic Duluth Reparations, an offering from the Northeastern Minnesota Synod of the ELCA to the Minnesota Chippewa Tribe. The amount was chosen to acknowledge the treaties of 1854, 1855, and 1866: $185,400 + $100 + $1,100. It is from this foundation that Broken Lands emerges - an investigation of history, restoration, and co-existence.

As we navigate across conversations, we shed light on the complexities of the past, and yet curate a spaciousness where healing, learning, and revisioning might bridge historical divisions. Come along and join us, as a listener, Patreon member, and/or ambassador for repairing the breach within us, between us, and most importantly between us and all of creation plus Creator.